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Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body. You can break a bone much more easily than you can chip a tooth. However, tooth enamel doesn’t contain any living cells. Once your enamel is gone completely (as is the case when you have a cavity), there’s nothing you can do to get that enamel back. Dental intervention is required. However, if you catch weakened enamel before it’s completely ruined, you can take steps to strengthen and protect the enamel you have left. The best cure is always prevention, but if you have enamel loss you can take some steps to protect your teeth.

Symptoms of Tooth Enamel Loss

Loss of tooth enamel can lead to a variety of symptoms before it’s too late. Your teeth may become more brittle, and you may develop more cavities. Lesser loss of enamel could be a discoloration of the teeth or a change in sensitivity to hot or cold food or drink. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, contact your dentist.

How to Rebuild Enamel?

Unfortunately, once your tooth enamel is gone, it’s gone. While you can’t rebuild tooth enamel, you can take steps to both strengthen and protect what you have left. Fluoride treatments can help seal your teeth, preventing any abrasions from harming your enamel. Additionally, remineralization can help bolster weakened enamel. Getting a night guard and practicing good oral hygiene can keep your mouth smiling for years to come!  In general, there are three things that you can do to rebuild tooth enamel’s functionality. You can provide barriers between your teeth and what you consume. You can engage in remineralization to boost the health of the enamel you have left. You can also invest in a bite or nightguard that will help you with grinding your teeth.


Fluoride is the best way to protect your teeth. Drinking fluoride water and brushing with

A fluoride toothpaste can protect your enamel from abrasions. Fluoride forms a natural barrier over your tooth enamel. It can help prevent your teeth from taking any more damage.


Your dentist can help you with remineralization. This is typically a calcium treatment. The calcium can enter weak spots in your enamel and make them stronger. It doesn’t grow new enamel, but from a functional perspective, it rebuilds your tooth’s enamel.

Enamel and Bruxism

Obviously, you want to cut out any major damage that you’re doing to your teeth. One of the major causes of enamel loss is bruxism or grinding your teeth while you sleep. A little stretching before bed can help you relax, but ultimately the best way to help bruxism is with a bite guard. You can’t control yourself while you’re sleeping.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Lastly, practicing good oral hygiene never hurt. Plaque speeds the decay of enamel. Brushing and flossing will keep the tooth enamel you still have clean, and help prevent it from breaking down. While you can’t undo the damage that’s already been done, you can take good habits into the future.

Worried about your dental hygiene?
If you need dental care, call Dr. Andrew Ross and set an appointment today at 559-732-3972.